droid2 problems


New Member
Oct 2, 2011
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My droid has had a number of issues since I downloaded the new operating system. Apps opening and closing for no reason, problems accessing stuff on the SD card, increased battery consumption, and worst of all, the phone turns itself on!
Any one else experiencing similar problems?


New Member
Sep 4, 2010
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Droid 2 haunted?

My droid has had a number of issues since I downloaded the new operating system. Apps opening and closing for no reason, problems accessing stuff on the SD card, increased battery consumption, and worst of all, the phone turns itself on!
Any one else experiencing similar problems?

Seriously, mine has similar problems that are getting more and more annoying.

First of all, when I turn it off (power it off), it doesn't always stay off. I'll sometimes hear the pings of my phone getting email, which lets me know it turned itself back on. I never know when it will stay off.

Secondly, it opens up apps by itself. Sometimes I'll get my phone and discover it opened up my contact list, or it called up a browser and initiated a search (I didn't call up the browser and the words it searches on are words I have NEVER searched on with this phone), sometimes it calls up various other apps.

The worse thing it ever did was this morning around 3am it twice dialed one of my friends, who called me back to find out if there was an emergency. I did not call her, saw it calling her when I picked up it up as I thought I heard something, ended that call, put the phone in my hand as I was letting one of my dogs outside and looked back at the phone to discover it called her up again and had again dialed her. I ended that call too but it had already woken her up. She immediately called me back to find out what the emergency was and I had to apologize and explain about my phone.

Most of the time the phone seems to dial or open apps, it is when it slightly in motion. It is in my hand. Or in my purse while I am walking. Or being removed from the charger (so it's in motion) or in my console in my car, which is in motion.

I wish I didn't have a year left on my two-year contract as I'd get a different phone. I've been laughing and ignoring these problems with it up to now. But it's not funny anymore.