Cool Cellphone Info-graphic Paints an Interesting Picture


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Here's a cool info-graphic for you guys today. This one puts the whole cell-phone industry into context and gives us a "big-picture" look that shares some surprising facts. Who would have guessed that the number of cell phones in use is 1 million times more than the number of stars you can see from Earth! Apparently, humans really love being digitally connected. Check out the pic for even more fun facts.


Source: Intomobile


Active Member
Well I guess the thing that scares me the most is the talk time.... 2.29 Trillion per year.... That is roughly the same amount that Obama adds to the deficit every year. Think about that everyone talking for a whole YEAR..... equals the same amount of money as the Deficit for 2011
That is astonishing that we owe now over 16 trillion..... Even if we as a country started acting responsible today and cut spending by half.... it would take us nearly 30 years to dig out of the Hole were in. Does that seem a little Crazy to anyone!?!