Bionic-Eclipse-v1.1.1.......Failed Starup......


New Member
Greetings and my apologies to the English since I use a translator ..

Lower the eclipse rom for my xt875 bionic droid. Before installing the mobile phone it was in its original soft never received any of the ac tualisaciones of Motorolla. We Hise the root and install the apk. bootstrap in order to run the rom and make the installation as it proved necessary. But in doing so the mobile latch-up the rom but remains the louding eclipse on screen rom the effects of the rise and not fall to anything else.
stays fixed.

Mybe the soft is the5.5.893 i dont remember but never take a new soft.....never connect to the internet to,,,

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New Member
NO problem .....i do a wipedata and factory reset to the phone and now the phone come up to the app..thanks