Anything out there to "lock" the ringer volume?


New Member
I often accidentally press the up/down button on the side of the phone and change the ringer volume. Does anyone know of an app that will cause no change when I accidentally press the button and will keep the ringer volume at the level which I have set in the sound & display settings? I still want the volume for voice and other media to be adjustable with the side button, but not the ringer.


New Member
I had to uninstall RingGuard because everytime I would access the camera or video camera, the RingGuard yes/no message that comes up when the volume control is pressed would come up. It also came up when I would press the button to take a picture or start and stop the video.

I now have Volume Button Locker, and so far, it's OK. I like the fact that it doesn't ask a question when I accidentally press the volume control for the ring level. The settings allow choices for which volume levels you want to keep locked.