Anyone having iGoogle problems?



I have my homepage set to iGoogle, and it worked fine for a while, but I've since added a few things to it and when I went to access it today, the phone gave me an error: "Data Connectivity Problem: This Page contains too many server redirects" followed by a 'Web page Not Available' page.

Does this mean I've got too many things on my iGoogle page now? Has anyone run into this?
My guess would be a third-party gadget on your
profile is doing it, remove them one-by-one and
see if you can track down the source of the redirects.

If you want to use your computer, go here:
There you can change settings on your mobile iGoogle page.
Having same igoogle problem.

I tried every way to start and re-install the igoogle mobile app. I keep getting this error message: "Data Connectivity Problem: This Page contains too many server redirects" followed by a 'Web page Not Available' page. I've tried every help site and forum, but couldn't find the fix. I'm supposed to be able to fix it from my PC, but I can't find any tab or setting on my PC version of igoogle that relates to the mobile version.
What now?