500 Firepaper Wallpaper Updated by Chainfire


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Oct 6, 2011
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One of the best Wallpaper apps around "500 Firepaper" has been updated! This is said to be a minor update, but works out some bugs such as enabling hardware acceleration by default, and an issue was fixed that prohibited some users from installing the pro app on secondary devices. The app now includes some Adroid L theming for any one who is currently on Android L including colors and animations. There will be more theming in the app in the coming weeks. For those who are not familiar with the app, it refreshes your wallpaper throughout the day with new images from 500px. You will see new and fresh images from around the world. No more boring static homescreen! Head to the link below for the download. If you already have the app the update should be rolling out at any moment.

Via Play Store