Apple seeks U.S. ban on Galaxy Nexus

This is why I think that if you truly like android you shouldn't buy apple products.
i hope apple doesn't find out that i sometimes take a dump. they probably think they have a patent on that too :icon_eek:
This is funny, Apple feels threatened by droids so they are trying to rid them. Good luck lol too many people have them for them to just get sued and disappear.

Sent from my rooted Droid Incredible using DroidFourms
This is like a car company suing another car company for using wheels on their vehicles. All phones will have basically the same features. maybe slightly different in ways. but in general everthing is about the same. all these lawsuits make them look like kinder gardeners.
And the whole voice search deally? Droids have had voice searches for years. and now icult finally gets it. then they sue? wtf
Yeah I'm pretty sick of hearing about apple suing someone over something they think they came up with. When in fact they took from something else, you don't see Google going after apple for using notification bar pull down in IOS5! I will never buy an apple product for myself or anyone I love!! Haha

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
apple needs to be careful now as google owns all moto patents. apple might have patents for software features but moto has patents for cellular devices as a whole. piss off google enough and apple will go back to stone age making nothing but pcs and we all know where those are heading.
apple needs to be careful now as google owns all moto patents. apple might have patents for software features but moto has patents for cellular devices as a whole. piss off google enough and apple will go back to stone age making nothing but pcs and we all know where those are heading.
they will whine that Google needs to allow them under that Frand crap.