Apple seeks U.S. ban on Galaxy Nexus

as i've already said in other thread, apple needs to be careful now that google owns moto patents before it stops apple from making cellular devices as a whole and apple will go back to being a forgotten pc maker.
Its pretty obvious Apple is just scared & this is the only way they know how to deal with it.
Just like every school yard bully.
Speaking of apple, their ipads are banned in china...
How ironic..." The spat actually started when Apple sued Proview Technology Shenzen over the name—even though the company's Hong Kong branch had sold the rights to Apple back in 2009. While logic seems to favor Apple in this particular dispute, it's hard not to chuckle a bit at Apple getting socked in the nose in a lawyer fight it started."
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You missed the best part of Apple's complaint:

"The filing also complains about Samsung's advertising tactics, which have poked fun at the more hardcore fanbois among Apple's following.

'While Samsung sells products copying features that make the iPhone distinct, Samsung has simultaneously embarked on an advertising campaign designed to tarnish Apple and mock its consumers for considering Apple's products distinctive and, for that reason, valuable,' the fruity firm said."

Apple demands US ban on Samsung's Galaxy Nexus ? The Register

So it's cool in the personal computing market to make fun of your rival, but when it comes to smart phones that tactic is off-limits. Give me a break.


Apple didn't seem to mind it when Verizon did it.
You're right. Apple didn't sue when those "iDon't" commercials came out.

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Plus, Apple didn't mind doing it to Microsoft in the Mac vs PC commercials.
The fact they are upset about those commercials and want judgements for them makes Apple look extremely petty and childish.

Yea those Mac vs. Pc commercial were fine tho...please.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
The fact they are upset about those commercials and want judgements for them makes Apple look extremely petty and childish.

Yea those Mac vs. Pc commercial were fine tho...please.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums

Just as any other big money chain ...Food...drug companies and insurance are huge as well.


You've been tapped by the Drummer...
so when are the descendants of Alexander Graham Bell going to file their suit against apple? or Benjamin Franklin's?

Sorry, I think Adam gets first dibs as he was responsible for the naming rights .

Genesis 2

Sent from someplace, and with something that you need not worry about.
The fact they are upset about those commercials and want judgements for them makes Apple look extremely petty and childish.

True. Very similar in nature and design to those Mac commercials. Apple truly doesn't like taking its own medicine.

Apple seems pretty nervous with these lawsuits. They clearly feel they are falling behind and know they don't have the premium product out any more, although market share has yet to reflect this (Apple still slowly growing market share, but most of the RIM business seems to be going to Android).
how can Androids search functions be infringing on Siri, voice search has been a staple of andy for 2 years now
how can Androids search functions be infringing on Siri, voice search has been a staple of andy for 2 years now

That's what I was wondering. I think they're just throwing BS "infrigements" and see whatever sticks with the case.

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