Apple seeks U.S. ban on Galaxy Nexus


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Nov 7, 2009
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Apple has requested a ban on sales in the U.S. of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus smartphone, claiming that the showcase for Google's heavily touted Ice Cream Sandwich version of the Android operating system violates four Apple patents.

According to Florian Mueller at Foss Patents, Apple brought a motion for a preliminary injunction against the device on Thursday with the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. A public, redacted version of the filing was made available late Friday, and the motion was filed simultaneously with a new federal lawsuit, Mueller reports.

The motion, Mueller says, is based on four patents: a "data tapping" patent, a patent involving Siri and unified search, a new slide-to-unlock patent, and a word-completion patent for touch-screen entry of text.

The unified search patent, which involves voice assistant Siri's way of searching the Net, could be a direct threat to Google's core search business, Mueller says, and he adds that the word-completion patent may cover functionality involved in Google's mobile search app.

The "data tapping" feature, which, for example, lets users tap on a phone number in an e-mail to automatically make a phone call, got Android-handset maker HTC into hot water last year, when the International Trade Commission ruled the company had violated Apple's patent and said it would enforce a ban on HTC's products that use the feature. HTC quickly said it had developed a workaround.

Slide-to-unlock is currently at play in an Apple legal action against the Galaxy Nexus in Germany, where a resolution of some sort is expected in March.

Earlier this month, a German court rejected Apple's request to ban the Galaxy Nexus in that country. Apple had taken issue with Samsung's products for bearing resemblance to its own products. In this new case, Mueller claims, Apple "focuses completely on strong technical patents" as opposed to "softer, design-related rights."

SOURCE: FOSS Patents: Apple requests U.S. preliminary injunction against the Samsung Galaxy Nexus based on four high-power patents
I've been in these fights before.........I believe I was 10. These companies are a Joke. Think I'll stay away from all of their products.
I've been in these fights before.........I believe I was 10. These companies are a Joke. Think I'll stay away from all of their products.

haha good luck, apple has gone after moto, htc, samsung just to name a few....
looks like you need to go with pantech or blackberry. maybe a huawei!
so when are the descendants of Alexander Graham Bell going to file their suit against apple? or Benjamin Franklin's?
The GNEX is a "move" to unlock, not a "slide" to unlock. And if this goes to Apple, the judge needs fired and never be allowed in a court of law. :mad:
Apple has no chance of winning these kinds of suits in the US. In Europe though...
Apple is just trying to take down the top android phone with this lawsuit. I don't think any of it will stick

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Apple is just trying to take down the top android phone with this lawsuit. I don't think any of it will stick

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Agreed. It seems to me that Apple is just slinging these lawsuits like mud against a wall, hoping that one might stick. Hey I suppose that Apple figures when you are sitting on almost $100 Billion (with a "B") in cash reserves, you might as well spend it on something... :icon_rolleyes:
You missed the best part of Apple's complaint:

"The filing also complains about Samsung's advertising tactics, which have poked fun at the more hardcore fanbois among Apple's following.

'While Samsung sells products copying features that make the iPhone distinct, Samsung has simultaneously embarked on an advertising campaign designed to tarnish Apple and mock its consumers for considering Apple's products distinctive and, for that reason, valuable,' the fruity firm said."

Apple demands US ban on Samsung's Galaxy Nexus ? The Register

So it's cool in the personal computing market to make fun of your rival, but when it comes to smart phones that tactic is off-limits. Give me a break.
'While Samsung sells products copying features that make the iPhone distinct, Samsung has simultaneously embarked on an advertising campaign designed to tarnish Apple and mock its consumers for considering Apple's products distinctive and, for that reason, valuable,'.
LOL! I didnt see that.

So petty. Mocking the competition is not against the law.
I should have been a patent lawyer and an Apple Fanboi! i could have been rich beyond my dreams. Oh well none of that will ever happen now... It's time to throw away these simple tech patents that put the lock down on these simple ideas and protect the real technologies out there. Can you imagine how horribly mangled the auto industry would be in Henry Ford patented every simple operation associated with the car. There would be zero competition and no innovation. It's time to investigate ALL of these companies for their business practices. Apple, Microsoft, Rambus and a few others would be at the top of the list.
You missed the best part of Apple's complaint:

"The filing also complains about Samsung's advertising tactics, which have poked fun at the more hardcore fanbois among Apple's following.

'While Samsung sells products copying features that make the iPhone distinct, Samsung has simultaneously embarked on an advertising campaign designed to tarnish Apple and mock its consumers for considering Apple's products distinctive and, for that reason, valuable,' the fruity firm said."

Apple demands US ban on Samsung's Galaxy Nexus ? The Register

So it's cool in the personal computing market to make fun of your rival, but when it comes to smart phones that tactic is off-limits. Give me a break.

That is so ridiculous and funny. Poor Apple got its feelings hurt.
This isn't an attack on the Galaxy Nexus or Samsung this is an attack on Android. Apple is suing over a device which is running Stock Android. This lawsuit is huge.