Yahoo Messenger

Yes there is a yahoo messenger app in the "market". I've used it and it works fine. It's called "Hi Yahoo"
Yes there is a yahoo messenger app in the "market". I've used it and it works fine. It's called "Hi Yahoo"

I have this program and it works great. It's connected 24/7. I haven't had any issues with it thus far. :icon_ banana:
Do the messages on Hi Yahoo count toward your text allotment for the month??? or are they free?
why is there not just a regular yahoo messenger i am coming from using a blackberry and i loved that they just had a regular yahoo if anyone knows where i can find something like that please let me know i have been so sad using Meebo IM please help
I use ebuddy and you can sign onto all of your messaging accounts including yahoo, msn, ICQ, aim etc. I have used it since I bought my droid and it is the best one I have found so far!
meebo is also a really good "all in one" chat program. It was prone to disconnects when the Droid first came out, but they've fixed that now.
why is there not just a regular yahoo messenger i am coming from using a blackberry and i loved that they just had a regular yahoo if anyone knows where i can find something like that please let me know i have been so sad using Meebo IM please help

I was told yesterday by the sales rep who sold me my phone that Yahoo doesn't work with Verizon because when negotiations were in process for the Droid, the choices were between Google & Yahoo & Yahoo didn't get it, so they're upset about it, which is why we have so many issues getting the yahoo programs/email setup. :mad:
hi yahoo

I downloaded the hi yahoo but it doesnt list any of my friends on the friends list. Do I have to re-add them??
I removed hi-yahoo. I could not see messages from about half of my contacts, they could see mine, and I could see that they were online. ebuddy does much better. I do wish that the native messenger was available for droid like it is for the BB. There are a lot more options in the native program than there are in these third party apps.
Hi Yahoo

I'm having trouble getting my contacts to show on the Hi Yahoo. Shouldn't all your friends on your friends list be included on that already? It's asking me if I want to add them, then says it's waiting for a group.. but won't let me respond back to the person like you would with the text messaging. Am I missing something? ALSO... If I take pics or someone sends me a pic thru text messaging and I save it to the SD card, it doesn't show up in the gallery.... Am I missing something there too?? LOL.... (I hate change)
I haven't been overly impressed with any of the yahoo apps I've found in the mkt. I've tried ebuddy, Nimbuzz, Meebo, Hi Yahoo, agile, and any others I could find. I wish yahoo would put out a droid version of their own messenger, but I'm not holding my breath on that.