xScope or Dolphin?


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm picking up my droid this saturday and was wondering if anyone has any experience using the xScope browser on the droid? I've read a lot about the dolphin browser but was unable to find much on xScope. If anyone has any experience with xScope and could compare it to Dolphin I would really appreciate hearing about it. Thanks.


Personally, I like the stock browser out of all of them. Dolphin has alot of really cool features, but is slow as hell and too clunky for my tastes. Plus, they still havent implemented double tap to zoom, so while pinch to zoom is great, I use the double tap far more so dolphin is nearly useless for me. xScope on the other hand also has alot going for it, but it's too much in its infancy right now to be useful.

Honestly you're going to have to try them all out when you get the phone. YMMV


stock browser is best. especially now that it has been rooted it wont be long with we hand double tap zoon and pinch zoom


I have all three on my phone. Dolphin works good, except no pinch zoom on pages designed for mobile phones (only works on desktop page versions) xscope's pinch zoom works on all pages, however it is slower than Dolphin or stock browser.


New Member
I agree. The stock browser is the best and fastest. Zooming is less of a hassle as well...unless you need to zoom more than what double tapping provides. Dolphin just seemed to slow and bulky for me.


I like Dolphin because it lets you choose how you want the page to display/emulate. Some websites send you directly to their mobile version and I dont like that. With Dolphin you can select Android, Desktop, or iPhone. I use Desktop and I get the full version of every website.

And I dont see how its slower than stock, my pages and websites load just fine. Maybe your connection isnt the greatest.


Maybe I miss stated something. Dolphin in just as fast as stock broweser, xscope however is much slower than either Dolphin or stock browser. I do like the gesture based controls on Dolphin, if they get it to do pinch zoom on all pages it will become my default browser (curious to see how Mozillas browser works when launched).


I too can vouch that the stock and Dolphin browser seems to be even when it comes to speed. Dolphin has more features and I like that you can exit or exit and clear cache with when you are done. I also like the two skins for themes (So far I've only seen just two, hoping there will be more). You can't go wrong with the simple stock browser or the Dolphin one. I haven't tried the Xscope since I have no reason to with the stock and Dolphin doing their jobs.


DF News Team
Premium Member
fez, double tap works? for me, double tap brings up the tabs at top (which i do find useful)


New Member
I'm sorry ... correction:

Press and hold the screen - you'll have a little popup with a couple of options including zoom.


Active Member
i use STEEL and only use steel because i can dl videos and what nots. the stock browser for a open platform is to restrictive cant dl videos which sucks heck even my bb browser let me dl videos. i cant wait for irefox or opera to hit the market. i really want a browser that compacts the whole page to the screen hate sliding around trying to read. dolphin has but opens it up in google view or somthing so u cant click or view images


i use STEEL and only use steel because i can dl videos and what nots. the stock browser for a open platform is to restrictive cant dl videos which sucks heck even my bb browser let me dl videos. i cant wait for irefox or opera to hit the market. i really want a browser that compacts the whole page to the screen hate sliding around trying to read. dolphin has but opens it up in google view or somthing so u cant click or view images
I never heard of STEEL. Im going to look into this because I noticed I couldn't play streams post update. I was able to play most stream feeds pre update.