xScope or Dolphin?

i use STEEL and only use steel because i can dl videos and what nots. the stock browser for a open platform is to restrictive cant dl videos which sucks heck even my bb browser let me dl videos. i cant wait for irefox or opera to hit the market. i really want a browser that compacts the whole page to the screen hate sliding around trying to read. dolphin has but opens it up in google view or somthing so u cant click or view images
I never heard of STEEL. Im going to look into this because I noticed I couldn't play streams post update. I was able to play most stream feeds pre update.
it does forseclosevwhen itry gestures or press screen to hard
i only keep dolphin to download youtube videos.. i'm not a fan of the pinch and zoom
I've found dolphin allows you to zoom on mobile pages as well with no issue.

But I believe I like the integration on the stock one, highlight text and you can throw it into maps (if I'm missing how to do this in dolphin, please let me know)
While I have Dolphin as my default, I still have the stock on the screen. Like having both Firefox and Internet Explorer on your PC.
Alright thanks for your help everyone, I guess I'll probably just download dolphin and use it and the stock browser side by side until I figure out which one works best for me.
Never tried xScope -- I go back and forth between stock and Dolphin -- I like the Dolphin gesture, but stock runs slightly faster, imo.
Yes, xScope is by far the fastest browser. I would use it for the pin zoom feature alone.
Just wanted to point out that the reviews in the first two pages of this thread that said stock is better than Xscope were talking about a very early version of Xscope. The more recent reviews refer to a version of Xscope that is much upgraded over the December '09 version.

So there's really not a contradiction between the earlier posts and the more recent ones.
xScope by far

I felt alone until the last few posts. I also find the xScope browser faster and easier to use, with the pinch zoom helping zoom and back out being the best features. The favorites page on open helps me avoid wasting time when browsing.
I think xscope is much faster and like it better than dolphin. I haven't tried the stock 2.1 browser yet, but probably will before then end of the evening.
Yes I use to use Xscope but after getting my hands on 2.1 browser its the best IMO. Its fast, the pinch zoom, and scrolling is smooth as butter. Almost like the Safari browser. :)
Xscope by far the dominant browser its faster, pinch to zoom and single touch zoom is great and more fluid, I had dolphin when there was no paid version up until a few days ago it was good but xscope is so much better