I know charging indicator only shows when XOOM is turned off. I am pointing different issue. Problem is indicator shows always white, even it is charged fully. No green or no red.
From manual,
While the battery is
charging, the
charging indicator
lights red when the
charge is less than
15%, white when
the charge is 15 - 95%, and green when greater than
I contacted motorola support 3 times and they are not helpful at all and I couldn't find any report for this matter in the forum.
Do your Xoom shows green when it is fully charged?
I checked three other unit in Best Buy and all are same - always white. And, I checked displayed unit in Verizon store and it shows green. So, I returned my Xoom to Best Buy and got New one from Verizon. However, it turns out new Verizon unit also shows always white, no green.
At this point, I am frustrated and I don't want to replace my unit again. However, I would like to know it is sofware bug or hardware defective.
Like I said earlier, motorola support doesn't give me straight answer.
Please post if your xoom charging indicator shows green when it is fully charged
From manual,
While the battery is
charging, the
charging indicator
lights red when the
charge is less than
15%, white when
the charge is 15 - 95%, and green when greater than
I contacted motorola support 3 times and they are not helpful at all and I couldn't find any report for this matter in the forum.
Do your Xoom shows green when it is fully charged?
I checked three other unit in Best Buy and all are same - always white. And, I checked displayed unit in Verizon store and it shows green. So, I returned my Xoom to Best Buy and got New one from Verizon. However, it turns out new Verizon unit also shows always white, no green.
At this point, I am frustrated and I don't want to replace my unit again. However, I would like to know it is sofware bug or hardware defective.
Like I said earlier, motorola support doesn't give me straight answer.
Please post if your xoom charging indicator shows green when it is fully charged