Wireless teathering?

There is a working free one beta pre110 ..from source

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Doesn't work on GNEX. Laptop connects to phone but never to the internet. Also screws up the wifi on the phone, wouldn't work at all until I uninstalled the widget.

Yeah, it's a WIGET. It works everyday on my Galaxy Nexus. Did you go into SETTINGS>MORE>TETHERING & PORTABLE HOTSPOT>CONFIGURE WiFi HOTSPOT and set up the configuration? That's all it takes. Then the computer can get to the internet and you don't have to spend any money. It WILL turn off your WiFi, I guess it assumes if you have WiFi available you really don't need to tether to your 3g or 4g connection.

Update: Wait a minute, I just turned it on, and something turned it off. Checking to see if SetCpu or JuiceDefender is interfering with the wiget. But is was working great before I installed them. I'll get back to the thread when I figure it out.

Another Update: Worked with it today when I had some time. SetCPU does something to turn the Wiget off. Don't know what or why. It works fine when SetCPU is disabled, even with JuiceDefender running. I also noticed that the wiget turns on the phones hotspot feature, (I checked in the settings) but if I try to turn that on manually the phone tries to check with BIG RED. I don't know how the wiget get around that....
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I downloaded elixir ... Now what? I don't see anything to click to set my phone to tether. Do I need elixir add on or elixirn2?
Not rooted and I use Elixir2, works great.

For those asking. Elixir is a widget tool, once you download it you add a widget"s" to the homescreen. Elixir allows you to add a "bar" with multiple widgets, short cuts etc. on it. That bar can be 1 single widget or a 3x1, 5x1, 1x3 etc. I use: Battery level, battery temp, Wi-Fi toggle, Wi-Fi hotspot toggle and a shortcut to my camera on a 1x3 bar. You can totally customize the size of the bar and the size, color, transparency of the widgets on it. I make mine small so all 5 fit on 1 bar. Also, once you create a widget you can go back into Elixir and customize any you have already created.

For the Wi-Fi tether you still need to go into the default program and set the information but once you do, it works great. Settings > More > Tethering and portable hotspot > Configure Wi-Fi hotspot.

I prefer Elixir over the other ones mentioned because it has a ton of other useful stuff and it's very lightweight, battery wise. Also, it doesn't seem to mess up my signal when it's deactivated like so many others do.
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Great tip; I just downloaded Elixer 2 and got the hotspot widget setup and it appears to work (I'm not rooted). This isn't a feature I want to use often but I don't even get close to my 4Gig data on my plan; I don't feel like I should pay an extra $30 a month to occasionally tether and use up more of my 4gigs with my tablet or laptop.

If I go over VZW can charge me for it, if I'm under why do they care how I use it?????
Great tip; I just downloaded Elixer 2 and got the hotspot widget setup and it appears to work (I'm not rooted). This isn't a feature I want to use often but I don't even get close to my 4Gig data on my plan; I don't feel like I should pay an extra $30 a month to occasionally tether and use up more of my 4gigs with my tablet or laptop.

If I go over VZW can charge me for it, if I'm under why do they care how I use it?????
They care how you use it because tethering is a breach of contract.
They care how you use it because tethering is a breach of contract.

I'm hoping that with unlimited data going away this concept changes. If people are on tiered plan's there shouldn't (IMO) be restrictions on how data is used. I'm perfectly fine with the concept of paying for use and paying more if I use more.