Spey - thanks for the tip! I think I'll have to upgrade my router in a month or so when I move. I'll admit that I'm just happy to have my phone connected right now. I was getting pretty irritated about it. My family just jumped onto shared data and I'm still a little nervous about it. I guess it's time to go router shopping!
Recently switched the plan to family/share/data too (I was previous unlimited data for number of years, but finally caved in as more & more "smart" phones activated on our plan ...). There's a neat little feature I found on the RAZR M factory O/S (related to Data Usage) that allows user to set both warning limits and shut down (the data). So long as Data is ON, you can access and set the two limits (Warning & Shut Off Data).
Goto all settings / Settings / Data / Data usage /
Set mobile data limit (check this)
Orange Vertical is "warning" (user adjustable)
RedVvertical is "limit" (user adjustable)
Two White Horizontal Bars (user adjustable - slide them inclusive date range to display Data Used below)
Data usage cycle (I set this to our Billing Cycle Dates)
Scroll the screen down - Displays what programs are using data and how much (during "Data usage cycle")
This is a control method for this one device (not the whole "family" usage), but could be configured on a device-by-device basis depending ...
Rule in our "family" data plan is YOU USE WiFi - unless emergency or by request for first month. I used this utility (as described) to monitor my own data usage, compared this to the "Plan Data Usage", then gradually allow others a bit more freedom to use 3G/4G with an understanding that if they abuse it they will be Cut Off! This utility does a pretty good job of illustrating data consumption hogs, then I can educate others in our plan/clan.
Also, suggest you contact your carrier directly and confirm the Data "Plan" Usage (Warning Email & Possible cutoff options). I have opted in to receive warning email/txt at various usage levels (this applies to the total usage on the plan, all devices), warnings are sent to me.
Provided we exceed plan and get billed additional, I expect to be able to hang Verizon & any responsible ...