Hope this is the right place to post this but im running into some bugs on the GB leak already. It works kinda flawlesly most of the time but sometimes i run into some glitches or maybe bugs. The widgets that i use dont really update when i change something about them or just mess up on their own. The widgets are Digital Clock Widget from Maize, Android Agenda Widget, and Apps Organizer(theyre not really widgets but their labels mess up after awhile). They just change from Tools to Apps Label on their own apparently since idk what causes it to happen. As for the Digital Clock, every time i change a color or something the widget doesnt update The time does but the custimizations dont. Android Agenda just messed up one time saying that its refreshing or something like that. Im wondering if anybody else is running into this and if anybody know of some fix possibly.
Oh and a final thing, I have no idea why but my processor was stuck on the top freq for some reason and was lagging. Kinda like a stuck accelerator on an old car. I searched for 'rogue' apps but i found nothing that might have caused that. Im was using Droid Overclock and overclock at 1.2 @ 66v on the interactive governor at the time.
Oh and a final thing, I have no idea why but my processor was stuck on the top freq for some reason and was lagging. Kinda like a stuck accelerator on an old car. I searched for 'rogue' apps but i found nothing that might have caused that. Im was using Droid Overclock and overclock at 1.2 @ 66v on the interactive governor at the time.