you are trying the mods to change the sliders and whatnot correct?
here is what i just did.
use Root explorer to copy the widgetlocker.apk from data/app folder.
paste it onto your SD card somewhere.
use Astro file manager, tap on the WL.apk on the SD card (the one you copied out)
browse file
go to res/drawable-hdpi and scroll down to the images you want to change. sense-slider and iphone-slider and iphone-lock screen (which ever one you are wanting to change) should then be deleted.
then, navigate to the images you are going to use to replace the original ones. either longpress the image, edit, copy, or if you are changing multiple images, select the multi icon at the top, tap the ones you are wanting to use, and hit the copy button at the top.
no navigate to the WL.apk you copied over
browse file
go to res/drawable-hdpi and past your images in here. should have a pop-up showing the progress of the paste action.
once this is done, you have a modified version of WL.
now to get it to work is just a few steps.
use Root explorer to go into data/app and delete the widgetlocker.apk
then use root explorer to go to the modded WL.apk, copy it.
navigate to
SYSTEM/app folder, hit the 'mount r/w" button in the upper right corner, (it will change to "mount r/o")
paste the widgetlocker.apk into that folder. make sure you are in SYSTEM/app and NOT data app...i learned this the hard way. it will not work if you are pasting into data/app.
longpress the new widgetlocker.apk,select "permissions" and chang them to look like this
once you do that, you can reboot your phone, and your new modded WL should be working like a charm. i JUST did this a couple days ago and had no problems.