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A widget that says market showed up on a desktop. When I touch it, it goes to a website, Handango, an app website. I've never been there before! How did it get there?
Did you ever find your answer? My Bionic got it this morning. I've never downloaded this, just got up this morning and there it was on my home screen.....
I've tried Air Push and nothing comes up. I have searched my apps and it doesn't show up there. I opened it and it's "Handango Apps" It's for a bunch of free apps I've never heard of. I can delete the widget, but would really like to know where it came from and if it's still going to lurk around somewhere in my phone. I'm not very savvy with the tech side of my droid. I'm not rooted, stock, & running 5.9.902.XT875
I'm on stock, but if it was doing that it would have forced it on me when market upgraded, at least I assume. That's when all the other bloatware auto-updated. I cleared all data in my market and it hasn't reappeared.
I went to a Sense ROM, not stock really, it is the partial Sense 4.0 port over at the Rootzwiki Development Forum... Anyway I think I have it too- purple icon that says "apps". Now that it's my problem, I will be looking into this more.....
For those of you with the widget, what recent applications have you guys installed prior to seeing the widget? My guess is that you guys probably can narrow down your culprit if it's an actual app that's causing this. If I come across this widget, then I'll let you guys know what apps I recently installed before that.
I had this stupid Fandango widget pop up when i downloaded kill office jerk. The game was actually sorta fun... but just stopped after a few kills. But as soon as it did quit, I saw that stupid widget that you're talking about. I sent the developer an email, no reply.
There was another widget that was there too. I just deleted them and uninstalled them.
sent from my MAXX.
Upon actually reading the description... it says that you receive these apps to keep their app free. Go look in the apps you've downloaded in the play store. Read in the descriptions.
Damn, I just installed all of my "downloaded" apps at once yesterday.... ehhh it's not that important, but if we agreed to it in app terms, it's our faults for being too lazy to read the description. Not that it's a big deal, like everyone else I removed it.
I got the same widget and was equally puzzled. Razr Maxx, not rooted, recently installed battery calibration & skyvi. It did not show up in list if widgets when long pressing home screen & no apps downloaded saying handango or anything similar. Very strange!