Note 3 is tempting but don't think worth upgrading from note 2 unless something major is different. Love the note 2 but screen size basically the same have the tab 7.7 to go a little larger when needed

figure will have a lot of s4 features some of which I'm sure the 2 will get either in upgrade or custom ROM.
But i am curious about the watch i currently have the Sony smart watch which is dying to be replaced lol. Right now toss up with the new Samsung or the kreyos Sony blew it with not water resistant granted 10 hour battery life not thrilled with either but if options are fantastic might be willing to deal with. There was another with privacy calling but will be awhile before release date on that one. Can't keep waiting or the next one in development would be better then that one too and would always be waiting for the next one top be released cause it is better lol.