I am not going to buy a phone hot off the presses again for a long time... if ever. Buying into the Bionic hype has simply pissed me off beyond words. But it's not just the Bionic apparently, it's any new phone it seems.
How these phone companies have so many sheeple convinced that something so buggy is "great" is beyond my comprehension. Ya, it's a great idea, but the implementation falls way short of "great" in my opinion.
I just can't see myself buying the nexus at full retail price, only to have to go through this nonsense of "all phones have bugs when they're released". That's the most ridiculous justification I've heard, yet it's thrown around on these forums all the time.
Good grief! No wonder phone companies don't have to deliver a working product, there's so many sheeple just willing to say they have it in their hands, it doesn't matter if it works or not.
I'll wait until the nexus comes down in price, and if it works better than the Bionic, I'm tossing mine in a heartbeat.