I have a fairly large music library on my Rezound.
While listening to the music in my vehicle through the auxiliary jack and 3.5 mm audio cable, the music starting skipping songs,then it started to play through all the songs real fast.This all started after playing through the first 5 or 6 songs in a normal fashion.
I couldn't get it to stop even after trying to exit the music app.
I went to turn off the phone and it then began to dial a number on my phone. As the phone was starting to shut off,it was still skipping throuh the songs.
It was like the phone was under a spell !
Anyone have this quirky experience on their Rezound ? Could it be a phone/software issue ?
While listening to the music in my vehicle through the auxiliary jack and 3.5 mm audio cable, the music starting skipping songs,then it started to play through all the songs real fast.This all started after playing through the first 5 or 6 songs in a normal fashion.
I couldn't get it to stop even after trying to exit the music app.
I went to turn off the phone and it then began to dial a number on my phone. As the phone was starting to shut off,it was still skipping throuh the songs.
It was like the phone was under a spell !
Anyone have this quirky experience on their Rezound ? Could it be a phone/software issue ?