I'm in the same boat. I'm still using my droid1 the I got the week it came out, and its really starting to show its age. I've rooted iit, but can't figure out how to get cyanogen etc to run. I'm hoping when I do, it'll freshen up my phone enough for me to hold out for something I really want. Ie, has to be on vzw, tegra2 (or something equivalent) and a physical keyboard.
Iphone would be tempting if it weren't for itunes. Moto atrix looks very interesting, but its att for now. With the netbook dock I could forgo keyboard....but atrix with keyboard would be PERFECT.
Looking at it, I wouldn't hesitate to get a bionic if it had a keyboard, that thing is sick. Here's to hoping the droid t2 is my tegra2 device with a keyboard.