What's your device storage situation?

Jonny Kansas

Staff member
Rescue Squad
Jan 21, 2010
Reaction score
Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Current Phone Model
Pixel XL
So, I'm posting this in the Note 4 section, but anyone sound feel free to weigh in.

What's your device storage looking like?
I had the s4 pretty full, but I thought I'd have more breathing room with twice the space.

I think I have an app problem...


Am I alone here?

Sent from my Note 4
Strange that app space there doesn't match here.


I got it down to less than 25GB on the storage screen, but it says 13 here, which is more like it.

Does the disagree screen not account for the parts of apps on the SD card?

Sent from my Note 4
Plenty of space left here.

16gb S5 with a 16gb card.
I run pretty lean whereas I only keep apps on my device that I use on a regular basis. I keep a list of apps in my Play Store wishlist that are important but only use every once in awhile. I also regularly clean out my gallery and upload my important pictures to Dropbox. I don't foresee running out of space anytime soon.
(You can't see it in this screenshot but my app downloads are at 2.52gb)

S5 tap'n
I try to run lean, but I have a few apps that I intend to use & never get around to. Some of those went away after my first post.

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I know the feeling....I used to be that way too. (Being that there are SO many cool/useful apps out there) resist the urge!

S5 tap'n
You can imagine how far I've come since the G1. Like I said, I did some house cleaning tonight & I tend to do so periodically.

I love when apps that I forget to uninstall get updates, cause it reminds me to do so & it's quick to do right then.

Sent from my Note 4
Over 2GB of cached app data. Might be time for a purge.

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Forgot to mention I have 10GB of stuff over on my microSD as well