what is the best case holster combo?


Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
lowell massachussetts
I'm curretly trying to decide on a case to buy but I can only find 2 that have a holster to fit one is the verizon/motorola case holster combo they sell at most direct dealer for rite around 30$ and then I saw the seidio case 30$ and anotha 30$ for the holster that fits the case . Wich I think is a lil steep IMO . Are there anyothe combos neone else knos of? I need to us a holster and not a leather pouch cuz I use my wired headphones all day n they won't work with a leather pouch cuz of the poistioning of the jack on the droid . If neone could give me some good insight I would appreciate it. I'm currently using a mtorola/verizon plastic holster (withspring) with my naked droid but I am scared of dropping it or one of my roommates four kids playing with it or throwing it her kids sre off the hook she has gone through 3 phones recently cuz her youngest(3 years old) thinks everything belongs in the toilet . I keep my droid real close to me but its impossible to keep it safe 24/7. Well I'm babbling on now so ill stop but any feedback will be much appreciated thanks

Go to your nearest verizon store or check online. they have the shell and holster combo for only $24.99. thats the one i plan on buying. hope i helped.