What Droid App is most needed?


An app for us aviators, maybe one so we could get updated AWOS updates or one that could pick up the tower radio stations!
1. flash (yea, i know youre not adobe)
2. Peggle (yea, i know youre not Popcap)
3. Sports widget (hockey, soccer, baseball, maybe those other loser sports)
4. a different weather widget that doesnt have a giant clock in it.
5. something like planet in a bottle but more indepth
The ONE thing I do miss from my Blackberry Storm is an app called Quicklaunch.You could hit that one buton and open about any application,phone #,SMS,you name it.

I must admit I wish I had that app on my Droid....video of what it looks like below.The video gives you an idea,but of course for security they don't have actual number email addresses showing,but that was how mine was set up.

YouTube - Quicklaunch by NikkiSoft

check out Bartender...it's kind of like quick launch.

My vote would be for a Media Player that allows you to view your music by genre and has an EQ.
1. IMDB.com

2. An app that will delay your lock screen. Like, I play games a lot while taking various trains and busses to work, and when I need to change busses/trains, I darken my screen. I have to unlock over and over when turning it back on to resume the game. I wish there was a way you could darken your screen, but not have the lock screen or pattern lock screen activate until a set number of minutes (of your choosing). I've tried AutoLock, but although you can set your pattern lock screen to delay for a certain number of minutes, you still have a regular slide unlock screen come up - then, after the time is up and your pattern lock activates, you have to open boeth the slide lock screen AND the pattern lock screen.

I would LOVE a feet-inches calculator and so would contractors, engineers, architects, etc. Can't seem to find one!
Call Forward

I had this idea when I heard about locale (think that's the name) the program that changes your settings based on your GPS location? I would love a GPS call forward app - so when I get home, my cell would automatically call forward to my home #, then when I leave it would take it off. You could set it up for any location: work, vacation home, job site, etc....
+15 on a good sports app. It would need to be timely and reliable. Those are the 2 things lacking in the current sports apps.
2. An app that will delay your lock screen. Like, I play games a lot while taking various trains and busses to work, and when I need to change busses/trains, I darken my screen. I have to unlock over and over when turning it back on to resume the game. I wish there was a way you could darken your screen, but not have the lock screen or pattern lock screen activate until a set number of minutes (of your choosing). I've tried AutoLock, but although you can set your pattern lock screen to delay for a certain number of minutes, you still have a regular slide unlock screen come up - then, after the time is up and your pattern lock activates, you have to open boeth the slide lock screen AND the pattern lock screen.

Have you tried this:

myLock : myLock basic - skip lockscreen v1.3.4a - with plugin Application for Android | Tools

with the new myLock idle add-on: myLock Idle Lock addon v1.0 Application for Android | Tools
The ONE thing I do miss from my Blackberry Storm is an app called Quicklaunch.You could hit that one buton and open about any application,phone #,SMS,

check out Bartender...it's kind of like quick launch.

My vote would be for a Media Player that allows you to view your music by genre and has an EQ.

What are you talking about. Bartender is an app that gives you drink recipes to make your favorite alcoholic drinks. I know because I am a professional bartender.
A) A good media interface I can use while on the car dock. With big buttons for easier use with one hand.
B) Music Equalizer
C) Quicklaunch +3
FLASH! not the camera....
Strongly Agree!!!!!!!:blackdroid:

As stated over and over and over and over again flash has to come from adobe not some random developer. Get over flash and wait until it comes out. Until adobe releases it, you wont have it.
Flash will be released in 2H of 2010, but only on certain android phones.