What Do You Think of This?

Kind of funny time for that article to come out, right when the numbers are showing Android sales topping iPhone sales for the first time. :)
i don't know that i would go as far as to say apple sucks.. but it is definetly not for me..
They do say "Verizon Customers" not Android users. Which proves the point that most Verizon customers are slow.:)
Well rumors are rumors but fact is fact. Engadget has FINALLY comfirmed that AT&T and Apple do indeed have a 5 year exclusivity contract for the iPhone that was signed in 2007.

Confirmed: Apple and AT&T signed five-year iPhone exclusivity deal -- but is it still valid? -- Engadget

Although there are questions as to whether or not the contract is still valid or has been breached, etc... Honestly we won't know until Apple's conference in June. Until then we can only speculate. In all honesty I would think that a breach of contract on Apple's part would cost them gobs of money that they cannot guarantee they would reclaim by bringing the iPhone to another network. Whereas on AT&T they can at least guarantee the lemmings will follow suit and buy yet another iteration of the iPhone.
Well rumors are rumors but fact is fact. Engadget has FINALLY comfirmed that AT&T and Apple do indeed have a 5 year exclusivity contract for the iPhone that was signed in 2007.

Confirmed: Apple and AT&T signed five-year iPhone exclusivity deal -- but is it still valid? -- Engadget

Although there are questions as to whether or not the contract is still valid or has been breached, etc... Honestly we won't know until Apple's conference in June. Until then we can only speculate. In all honesty I would think that a breach of contract on Apple's part would cost them gobs of money that they cannot guarantee they would reclaim by bringing the iPhone to another network. Whereas on AT&T they can at least guarantee the lemmings will follow suit and buy yet another iteration of the iPhone.

Well then that would mean that the contract wouldn't be up until 2012. It's too bad that that's "the year the world is supposed to end.":rofl3:
The only reason I would want an iPhone is because I have a Mac and I love my Mac. I'm not a fanboy of any phone, I want the one that works best for me. So far because of the Verizon network that phone is the Droid.

Now if Verizon was to get an iPhone I might think about giving it a spin, but the fact is I don't think you will ever see the iPhone on Verizon. And I'm quite happy with my Droid after using the Blackberry Storm for over a year (both of them). I look forward to the Droid 2 when it makes it's appearance, I just hope that it shows up about the time for my contract to expire and my new every two comes around again. According to my Verizon web page that will happen in 09/10. If they decide to hold out on the Droid 2 until 11/10 then I'll wait on it (just figuring holiday sales).
So its safe to assume that apple will be the reason the world blows up. I new it!
i don't know that i would go as far as to say apple sucks.. but it is definetly not for me..

I wasn't referring to the products. They do make nice products. I just think the company's and CEO's practices suck.

I think they're awesome. Where else can you so clearly see the devolution from "Anti-Big Brother" to "The Man"? :-D
I used to be an iPhone user.. Android is a much better OS... while not as mature sure its leaps and bounds better IMHO I love my droid and wont buy another phone without Android...