I got an Original Droid the week after it launched and it worked great for about 6 months. Then I had the screen get the "ghost touch" issues with the screen having erratic movements because of the digitizer freaking out. I got that one replaced and now the one I got as a replacement has the right quarter of the screen completely dead to touch. I've tried cleaning it thinking it might be skin oils or something else getting on it but that doesn't help. I tried cleaning the edge of the screen but it still doesn't work. Has anyone had any luck getting them to replace the original droid after the one year after the original phone was purchased? I'm afraid I'm stuck with a screwed up phone. I COULD upgrade to a new phone a little early but I'm not due for my full discount until July so I'd lose money on the deal. I'm going to call VZW tomorrow and see if they will do anything but I'm not holding my breath.