Website Issue


So, I was playing with my profile options and set the display theme of the forum to the Droid Mobile v2. I now cannot get it back to the standard theme and most of the site is not working for me. The message I get reads:

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

I attempted to send a PM first but it would not let me. Also tried to set it back through my Moto Droid and received the same message. Any help or advice on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


I have resolved the issue. I did not see it before, but at the bottom of the mobile page format there is a button that says "normal mode." This button reset the page for me back to the default theme. Apparently this is the only way to do it that I could find.