Weather Dock Problems!!!


Jun 29, 2010
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Alright you know how when you put your DX into the motorola cradle dock to charge it, your home screen becomes the specific cradle screen. and on that screen there is a weather widget on the bottom. Well i am having a problem locating my city. i tap Add City and when i type in Tallahassee, Fl, nothing comes up. It says Searching for maybe half a second then stops. I tried turning my phone on and off but still nothing.

Anyone else having this problem or know of a way to fix it?
Try searching by zip?
The solution was discussed here in another thread. Remove the widget and re-add it to the doc home screen.
i just did that and its doing the same thing. i removed the widget, re-added it on the slider bar thing and then when i go to Add A City and type in either Tallahassee, Fl or 32304, nothing happens. It still just does the "searching" for a half second then nothing after that. PLEASE HELP!
i just did that and its doing the same thing. i removed the widget, re-added it on the slider bar thing and then when i go to Add A City and type in either Tallahassee, Fl or 32304, nothing happens. It still just does the "searching" for a half second then nothing after that. PLEASE HELP!

Do you have location services enabled?
I ran into this same issue (unable to add a city to the dock widget), here is what fixed it for me:

Go to settings > data delivery > social applications and make sure "sync over wifi only" is NOT checked. Not sure why the weather widget is considered a social application but this in fact, fixed the issue.
Wow! That's it!

You're right, carlos31820, it's odd that the weather widget is affected by the "Social Applications" setting. However I followed your directions, and that did the trick. Thanks!
Go to settings > data delivery > social applications and make sure "sync over wifi only" is NOT checked. Not sure why the weather widget is considered a social application but this in fact, fixed the issue.
+1 - this fix worked for me as well.
I have an issue with the weather widget in the dock always disappearing, I have to re-add it every time in insert the dock. Anyone else?