Weather Channel vs Weatherbug


Jun 29, 2010
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2 questions...

Which one drains battery quicker?

and on Weatherbug, can you get the hourly forecast for the current day?
I can't comment on which drains the battery more because I only use WeatherBug Elite which cost $1.99 but I can tell you that I've had my Moto Droid disconnected from the Dock since about 7:30 this morning, it's now at 20% remaining and so far WeatherBug Elite has used 2% of the 80% total that's been used. It's at the bottom of the list.

With WB Elite you can swipe (drill down) from 7 day view to one day view to hourly.

Yup, actually have two differnet WeatherBug widgets running. The WB Elite widget is running on one screen (this one has the forecast and if you open it you can get to the daily and hourly forecast) and the WB maps is running on a different screen (this one is radar).
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I use weatherbug and i have the "elite" widget which shows the current forecast and a three day forecast, and i have the "maps" widget which is very zoomed out doppler radar map that only updates every three hours but it can be updated manually and i have it tell me the current temperature in the status bar and its also set to update every hour and it uses the GPS as well and it barley uses any of my battery. I think weatherbug is one of the best apps when it comes to battery use. Sometimes i don't even see it in the battery usage screen.
so i deleted weather channel and installed weatherbug elite on my phone... and for the 2 bucks it cost it is totally worth it

much better weather app in general, plus the 3 day forcast widget is sick

AND it seems to be draining my battery a lot less than weather channel...
I installed the free version of Weatherbug and while I can't say it's a battery hog, it's using 3%, while The Weather Channel doesn't even show up on the usage screen.

I'll keep it around a while as it has a lot to offer and to get an average of power usage. Maybe I'll even upgrade as I like to support apps.
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I can't report on the Weather Channel team, but the WeatherBug dev team is especially responsive, which surprised me a bit since it's a pretty big group.
+1 for Weather Elite...

Sent from my DROIDX
I updated to Elite yesterday after reading this thread. Just getting animated radar was worth the $2. Removed WC, as Elite does all I need. It uses 2% of my battery. I never looked to see what WC used before removing it. 2% is no problem, as I don't have to start it unless I am out and want to track the weather.
I updated to Elite yesterday after reading this thread. Just getting animated radar was worth the $2. Removed WC, as Elite does all I need. It uses 2% of my battery. I never looked to see what WC used before removing it. 2% is no problem, as I don't have to start it unless I am out and want to track the weather.

Another good app for the animated radar is Rainy Days - I have it in conjuction with Weather Bug Elite...I can one click and have an open radar on my screen if need be vs the 2 or 3 clicks with Weather Bug Elite...both are great apps!!
Another good app for the animated radar is Rainy Days - I have it in conjuction with Weather Bug Elite...I can one click and have an open radar on my screen if need be vs the 2 or 3 clicks with Weather Bug Elite...both are great apps!!
Along with the WB Elite widget is a WB Maps widget which is up all the time. It's not animated but updates regularly (you set the rate in the elite settings) and has a refresh button. Works like a champ!
I updated to Elite and while I like what it's got, I'm skeptical about its source for weather information for current conditions.

At the moment there isn't a cloud in the sky. Weather Channel and Beautiful Widgets (using AccuWeather) says Sunny or Partly Cloudy, but Elite says Drizzle, (with rain over the weekend).
Weatherbug gets its current conditions data from a network of local volunteer weather stations, mostly at schools. Most are very accurate, but it is possible that a hardware malfunction could go unnoticed for some time, especially in the summer when school is out so the students are not checking it.
I run the WC app. No battery issues. If you have not looked at WC in a while, take a look. Recent update improved it. I have a widget with 3 day forecast and current temp in the notification bar. The notification bar also gives you NWS weather alerts which is a great feature in a afternoon thunderboomer/huricane central region. From the widget I have multiple side swipe screens set up for home, current location, and the next place I am going. Animated radar is one click from there