[h=2]Wallpaper color seems to affect battery life[/h]Or maybe not. Sometimes we jump to the wrong conclusions, and this could be the case here.
Up until now, I had my Rezound set up with GPS on all the time, Auto-Brightness, WiFi enabled and certainly 4G enabled. In my home area, I had no problems going a full day with what one would categorize as light use, and have 30% left on my battery at night when I plugged it in for a recharge.
I'm now in another state (CO) visiting my daughter, where the coverage map shows solid 4G coverage, and also connected to her WiFi. That's when I lost my original wallpaper and put on one of the blue wallpapers provided by HTC. As soon as I did that, I started experiencing the rapid loss of battery, and jumped to the conclusion that the vivid colors were causing the severe power loss. In the battery information under settings, it shows that the display was using the lion's share of the battery.
However, over the past few days. even after going to a subdued wallpaper, I was still losing battery power rapidly. I noticed several things; the phone was constantly jumping back and forth between 4G and 3G when the WiFi was disabled. The WiFi in the house was off frequently and the router had to be power cycled. I disabled the GPS, but there were times when the phone was not used at all for hours, yet it got hot in my pocket and the battery level plummeted.
I now suspect what is really happening is that although 4G is strong in this area, the foil backed insulation in my daughter's house may be killing the signal, perhaps both 4G and 3G, and the phone's radio is constantly searching for a signal, AND the power being drawn is not show in the battery information statistics. I am very careful about what apps I have on the phone and always back arrow out of them so nothing is running that could be sucking up so much power.
Today, after a full charge, I turned off WiFi, set the phone for 3G only, but turned Mobile access off, GPS off, and minimized the Brightness, so what I had was a dumb phone. Using the widgets to temporarily turn on Internet access when I wanted to see the weather, and temporarily turning on GPS to use the map feature, I carefully monitored the battery. And it stayed up. The phone never got hot. I even made an hour long call to my sister, and am now ready to retire for the night with 45% left on the battery.
I'm beginning to think that the software in the Rezound can't handle the 4G, 3G and WiFi dropouts, and burns a lot of power trying to link back up, and the battery monitor does not correctly identify that it is the radios in the phone causing the power drain.
Something made my phone awfully hot, and it wasn't the color of the display. Sorry for the previous misinformation.