I have been elgilble for an upgrade for 6 monrhs and have not pulled the trigger yet. I thought that the Bionic, Rezound, Nexus or the Razr would have been my new phone none of them have forced me to the pull the trigger. After 2 years of an Eris and OG Droid ownership I realized that 2 features that are paramount to me exceptional battery life and a great camera. The Razr Maxx has the battery covered but is full of unwanted apps that I find annoying not to mention the blur skin. The Rezound has a better than average android camera and an unlocked bootloader but suspect battery life. The CEO of Blackbeery was not that far off when he said there is little distinction amongst the Android phones. I amhoping that Razr Maxx forces everyone to put in the larger battery and that Apple forces everyone to instal a real camera. I hope that next HTC addresses both of these concerns or mynext phone will be the Iphone 5. Everytime I see the picture gallery on an Iphone it makes me realize how inferior the optics are on an Android device. If Apple figures out how tosignificantly improve their battery life then it is a no brainer for me. I have to realize that only thing that I really don't like about Apple are the fanboys. Just my 2 cents. Sorry about format. I sent this from my Droid.