

New Member
If I root my HTC DNA will Verizon wireless be able to know about it and if so could they punish me with bills and surcharges and worst case senaro kick me off the network for violating the contract in some way shape or form. Please let me know thanks.
My dna is rooted and I've even told vw reps that and they haven't done anything to me. I use about 100gb data a month and they don't really seem to care... No throttling,no odd bill hikes,no cease and desist letters,nothing. Just be sure you understand that you void your warranty by rooting and would not be able to send the device back in for warranty replacement.
Right.. If you root then if you need to send in the phone for repair or a replacement then they may not honor the warranty which means you will need to pay out of pocket. It wont affect your VZW contract status at all.
Also, make sure you don't brick it accidentely. If you manage to do something that does require it to be replaced you will likely get a new one that can't be unlocked. There was a somewhat recent FW update that fixed the ability of the CID APK to be used to unlock the device. Aside from that there are no worries, do what you want. Verizon cannot tell, my default, what you are running. This is especially true if you freeze or uninstall the Verizon Remote Support Tool that comes pre-installed on the phone.