Voice search goes to google's homepage when looking for contact.


New Member
Jul 10, 2012
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First post, I have had my Razr since the 4th of July, and it is updated to ICS, when I touch and hold the search icon and say "call dad home" it goes straight to google and does an online search, I have tried this many ways and did it just like in the video. There are videos in the help center app showing this will pick up contacts and call them, it does not work on my or my wifes phone, we got them the same day. I called verizon and they transfered me to motorola and after 1 hour and letting them take over the phone they can't figure it out. They want me to send the phone in but this is my only phone, no land line. I have searched the forum but did not come up with a similar post. If I use the voice command app it does work to make calls but that won't let you voice text or email, I would rather use the main search button to make calls and texts.

Any advice?

Mine is working just fine and i cant find a setting anywhere to toggle it on or off. Have u tried restarting your phone? How about a factory data reset?
Welcome to the forum!

Did you do a factory data reset before you upgraded to ICS? I just tried it from my phone and using Voice Search said "call dad home", and it worked as it should. You could try a hard reset by pressing the volume down then the power button for 10 seconds and the phone will force a reboot.
I did a soft start but not a hard start, I have way to much time invested in angry birds space and don't want to lose stars :biggrin:. I might try a hard start if nothing else works, if my wifes worked then I would but I find it strange both our phone don't work.
I did not do factory data reset before I upgraded to ICS, I did the update the day after I got the phone.
I am not 100% sure but i believe if u move angry birds to your sd card it will keep all of your game data
Tap the search button once to bring up the normal search. Press the menu button and go to settings and then searchable items, are contacts one of the things checked to be a searchable item?
Tap the search button once to bring up the normal search. Press the menu button and go to settings and then searchable items, are contacts one of the things checked to be a searchable item?

Yes people is checked.
Yes people is checked.

Sorry man that is the extent of my trouble shooting on that one. Short of doing a full FDR I don't know of anything that could fix it.
@ OP: glad you posted.

I haven't used my voice search for anything but web searches since ICS, so I gave it a try and had similar results to yours. Mine recognizes the command "call", but pulls up peoples names from all over the US and starts to call whoever is at the top of the list. Commands "text" and "e-mail" open up text or e-mail but leaves the recipient blank and puts their name in the body of the text or e-mail. Its like it is never looking in the "people App". Do you have only the "people" app or do you have both "People" and "Contacts" App? For whatever reason, I have both.

I thought the dual apps might be the problem so I disabled "contacts". It gave me a warning about affecting other apps which I promptly disregarded. When I disabled it and went to my home screen, the "Phone" and "People" apps were missing from the bottom 2 left positions. I went into apps and drug them back into their original positions. I retried voice search and the results are the same. Odd thing is that I have "people" app in apps but no "contacts" app. In the app drawer, I have "contacts" but no "people" app.:blink:

I know the standard reply is FDR, but if I am going to screw it up, I feel I might as well do it good. I would like to try something like rename the "contacts" app to "people" if this is the naming convention on everyone else's phone, if renaming is even possible. I am not rooted, so if an FDR is in my future, I will probably root as well.

Anyone have any ideas other than FDR? Not in a hurry, phone works great other than this snag. BTW, its been like this since, .211, so it has nothing to do w/ .215. I had conacts and people on my homepage and used them interchangeably for the past few weeks with no problems.
A factory data reset is the standard reply because it works, especially in your case. You are not supposed to have the old Contacts and People, unless you are using an after market contact app of course.

I know it is a little annoying doing one of them because I was forced to before going to ICS for unrelated reasons, but it fixed my problem and I have not seen any issues with ICS since updating.

The Google search works fine for me, so the problem has to be some sort of conflict in system settings getting haywire somewhere. Thus the final recommendation for a FDR after exhausting all other options.
A factory data reset is the standard reply because it works, especially in your case. You are not supposed to have the old Contacts and People, unless you are using an after market contact app of course.

I know it is a little annoying doing one of them because I was forced to before going to ICS for unrelated reasons, but it fixed my problem and I have not seen any issues with ICS since updating.

The Google search works fine for me, so the problem has to be some sort of conflict in system settings getting haywire somewhere. Thus the final recommendation for a FDR after exhausting all other options.

I fully understand the final recommendation for a FDR after exhausting all other options. My questions is have all other options been explored? As stated, I am pretty well resigned that a FDR is in my near future, so I would like to try a few things if anyone has any ideas. That is my question. Screwing up the phone a bit more isn't much of a concern since it appears a FDR is where I will end up anyway, just don't want to brick it.

Actually kinda looking forward to rooting sometime soon as well and an FDR might just be the excuse I've been looking for.

If I was looking for the standard FDR response, I would have called VZW, and not asked all the great resources available here!!:biggrin:

You would not believe all the knowledge I have gleaned from you, FoxKat, SallyC, BSweetness, MattyP, 94....and the list goes on. Not slighting anyone but I would probably over run the size limit trying to name everyone I have learned from on here.
Yeah we definitely try to help anyway possible, sucks when it does come down to a FDR but the phone usually runs better after one for sure. It is weird in your case since you have both versions of the APP something seems to not have gotten updated right.

For you if you wanted to you could try using the fastboot files, those would put your SYSTEM files back to stock while leaving your apps and settings alone. Rooting is always fun, I enjoy knowing I can do whatever I would like to my phone and not be restricted by the carrier/manufacturer.
Yeah we definitely try to help anyway possible, sucks when it does come down to a FDR but the phone usually runs better after one for sure. It is weird in your case since you have both versions of the APP something seems to not have gotten updated right.

For you if you wanted to you could try using the fastboot files, those would put your SYSTEM files back to stock while leaving your apps and settings alone. Rooting is always fun, I enjoy knowing I can do whatever I would like to my phone and not be restricted by the carrier/manufacturer.

I will give the fastboot a try.

I know I get long winded on my posts and usually my questions are buried in the flak. I know I shouldn't have both Apps but never realized it was a problem until the OP posted his symptoms. Being retired and disabled leaves me a lot of time on my hands at times, which usually gets me in trouble.

I also think the problem is in the APP in the app drawer being the old file name. If I can replace it or rename it, I would love to see if this modulates the problem. Working electronic maintenance my entire life, I'm always willing to try and fix something, but also firmly adhere to the first rule of maintenance, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

If fastboot fixes it, you can bet the first thing I will be doing is looking in the App drawer! AND I WILL POST RESULTS TO COMPLETION FOR OTHERS!!:biggrin:
I would definitely be curious to see if that fixes it, let us know if you have any problems with fastboot.