Voice Dialer and Bluetooth


New Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Is there any way to voice dial through my bluetooth headset/earpiece? It's impossible to be fumbling with touchscreen while driving.
I'm gonna bump this one...I have the same issue.

On my old flip phone, I could just hit the button on my bluetooth and voice dial would immediately pop up
+1 for this as well. I have a Jawbone2 and on my *shudders* Storm, I could press and hold the voice dial button for 3 seconds and then it would prompt that feature on the handset....Doesn't do diddly on the Droid
I've read that voice commands via bluetooth aren't possible at this time. It's one of the more annoying aspects of the droid. Supposedly, voice commands are possible through a wired headset. I hope this necessary feature is added soon, possibly with the 12/11 update?
Yea it's not supported right now. Has anyone read the notewd regarding the update. I'm not sure if it's being added in December :).
I found this out also. Thought my bluetooth was bad. All I can get it to do is redial the last number called.

Still love the phone and will wait for it to be fixed.
How did you even get it to do that? I'm using Jawbone 2 with Droid.
I'm using a Jabra BT135 a verizion branded bluetooth that I bought when I got my Omnia. It worked great on the omnia for a no frills device. But the droid only alows me to talk and redial
Is there an Android Market app that provides voice dial via Bluetooth? Thanks, Joe
At present, Google does not provide the API for Bluetooth Voice Dialing. Apparently, this is by design. If this is something you want you should contact Google (The Android Development Team).
There is no voice dialing through BT yet, but that doesn't mean you have to fumble with the touchscreen. Voice Dialer HF can be launched with the touch of the camera button and will talk you through dialing:

"Say a command"
You say: "Call Bob Smith"
"Call Bob Smith at home?"
You say: "No"
"Call Bob Smith at mobile?"
You say: "Yes" and the call is placed.

It does this on the speakerphone then switches to BT for the actual call. While this solves the car problem, it does nothing for those who want to dial via a BT earpiece with the phone in their pocket.

Details at Voice Dialer HF (DFXmobile) (you must follow the steps there to enable the camera button for dialing)

(Full disclosure: I pushed to have this app developed when I couldn't dial hands-free with my new Droid.)
Current status of Bluetooth voice dialing on DROID

Is there any way to voice dial through my bluetooth headset/earpiece? It's impossible to be fumbling with touchscreen while driving.

I've tried to gather as much info as possible on the current status of Bluetooth voice dialing and posted it here.