vibrating r2-d2


New Member
Apr 4, 2011
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Hello, new member to the forum here and would like to know if anybody can tell me how to change my droid r2d2 email notification. Somehow i have changed it to viberate every time i get an email and it kills the battery pretty quick. I cant find how to make it stop.
welcome to the forum. in ur email settings there should be an email notification. check to see if its on vibrate

Aloha from Hawaii...

Looks like im gonna have to be spoon fed, i have looked everywhere i know to try to turn off vibration for my email notices. Cant find it anywhere.
Sorry for the big delay in response. Were u able to figure it out? When u go into ur email acct, click on ur menu button, there should be an email notification setting

sent from my Hawaiian Xoom...ALOHA
Just got it, your the boss princess!! Thanks a bunch and howdy from South Georgia:yeahbaby01:
Welcome to the community and glad to hear you and the princess got it fixed. She knows her droid stuff. Great place to learn here in the community and glad to see your asking questions. Dive on in and make yourself at home
Hey u got it! No thanks to me, it was all u. I see u met James, he's even better than I am. Any problems, the community def will assist u. Just return the favor by doing the same when someones in need.

sent from my Hawaiian Xoom...ALOHA