wierd...i dont see any reason why rooting it would have affected the haptic feedback on the phone...I had a fascinate that was not and had not been rooted and the vibration quit. They replaced the phone, I just wonder if that is a problem with the phones or if rooting did something to it.
yea running corresponding kernel/modem to build is needed but you didnt say you had modded anything, just rooted...Well after I flashed the DJ05 radio and a corresponding DJ05 Kernel all returned to normal and Haptic feedback was working again and with no issues since.
yea running corresponding kernel/modem to build is needed but you didnt say you had modded anything, just rooted...Well after I flashed the DJ05 radio and a corresponding DJ05 Kernel all returned to normal and Haptic feedback was working again and with no issues since.
did u update to DL09 OTA...anything other than rooting? did you flash clockwork mod recovery?
yea running corresponding kernel/modem to build is needed but you didnt say you had modded anything, just rooted...Well after I flashed the DJ05 radio and a corresponding DJ05 Kernel all returned to normal and Haptic feedback was working again and with no issues since.
did u update to DL09 OTA...anything other than rooting? did you flash clockwork mod recovery?
Is it an official update? No. Will it ever see the light of day? Quite possibly. Will it void your warranty? Definitely. Is it worth it? Maybe.
You need to be rooted to install this update and have access to clockworkmod. Data wipe is essential. Voodoo needs to be REMOVED PROPERLY prior to installing this update. All parts should be installed, or things will stop working...such as haptic feedback, and sms. DJ05 and DL09 radios appear to be interchangeable, but heavy testing has not been conducted.
There are three parts.
This gets flashed via Odin, in the PDA section.
[URL="http://www.***********/file/gNKnCuua/DL09_2.html"]DL09_2.zip - *********** - online file sharing and storage - download[/URL]
Torrent Mirror:
[URL="http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/6077375"]DL09 ROM for Samsung Fascinate (download torrent) - TPB[/URL]
This gets flashed via clockwork.
Note- Both of these kernels are similar to my previous test kernels, except they include boot animations. They are undervolted, and based of of jt1134's source on github. DJ05 kernels will work fine for DL09, but you should supply your own boot animation if you do not use one of the above. The stock boot animation does not work very well.
These get flashed via clockwork.
flash Adrylalyns 12/30 test kernel and you should get haptic feedback back...its in rom manager under download/sonofskywalker3/non voodoo kernels...Loaded the modem and still no vibrate. Thanks for trying!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
flash Adrylalyns 12/30 test kernel and you should get haptic feedback back...its in rom manager under download/sonofskywalker3/non voodoo kernels...Loaded the modem and still no vibrate. Thanks for trying!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
or here: http://adrynalyne.us/files/roms/1230_NON_voodoo.zip
hope this helps