Very impressive phone

m cribbs

New Member
Nov 13, 2009
Reaction score
This is my first smartphone. My previous phone was an LG vx8700 which had been replaced about five times. I just got this Droid last night, but I am already sure that I made the right choice. I waited months past my upgrade date for a smartphone with a physical keypad, but the screen on the Droid is so good I hardly use it.
My only issue now is the lack of an office software package. I like to use excel on the go but all I can find in the Market are viewers and paid applications. Can I get open office or some free alternative?
No tethering is a bummer,but the browser is so good I guess I can live without it.
Overall I think I will be very happy with this phone and I'm glad that it has he support of forums and enthusiasts.
Hey there M_cribs

when i read your nick, i instantly was thinking of Mr. Crabbs and Spongebob,
even if this is not your nick's intention, it makes you sympathic from
the first second on.


I hope you like it here and stay tuned wif ous on the DROID!

I'm sorry I don't know the answer to your question, but since openoffice is free and is a Google creation, I would be highly surprised if they don't have or don't eventually come out with a version that runs on Android. I will be interested to see if someone else knows.

Rumors I have heard is that tethering will be available sometime in 2010-of course for an additional fee.
Well, me boy, mr.crabbs is a new one to me. I actually added the space because people told me my first initial and last name together reminded them of a delicious sandwich at mcdonalds, Lol!
I'm using google docs, but honestly, it sucks on this phone... I'll keep working with it to see if it gets any better.

Rite :D

so you dont now Mr. Crabbs?



!!! Welcome "m cribbs" to DroidForums !!!

We hope that in time, all your questions will be answered. There is a wealth of information in this forum for you to look through too. Keep in mind, this is a new device, a new OS, But seeing how popular this Droid is, I doubt it will take long before all the apps you could ever want will be available very soon.

I for one, being very biased, Think you Chose Wisely !!! Enjoy your time in the Forums !!!! Great to have you here !!! See you in the Threads !!
Thank you, I'm solving all of my initial issues and discovering how flexible the OS is. Having no prior experience with Linux, Android, or smartphones in general, I've learned a lot in a short period, and it's entertaining. I am feeling better and better about my purchase. I do find it hard to beleive that android neglects to include functionality as simple as a missed call/message reminder. I hate having to download an app for such a basic task, but I'm glad it's an option. Hopefully things like this are fixed as the OS evolves. Do we get updated to the new versions of android as they are released??