I'm on my third Droid 1 now (headphone jack issues, etc), this latest one only being in my possession for a few weeks now. It came with 2.1 pre-installed (which it ran perfectly fine with), and I have since updated it to froyo, first to FRG01B a while ago and then to FRG22D last night. As many have reported themselves, my Droid immediately suffered from a severe deterioration in battery life and it began to heat up under normal use. I'd already done the usual troubleshooting: ensured no froyo-unfriendly apps were running (patched Facebook app, too), unistalled Advanced Task Killer (which wasn't set to auto-kill apps anyhow), confirmed nothing was syncing at an abnormally high rate, etc. No bluetooth, no gps, no wifi were enabled, and my phone had great signal, so it wasn't draining itself switching to 1x mode or trying to find service. Plus my screen was on auto-brightness. Nor was I rooted or running a custom rom. As a last ditch effort, I wiped the phone's partition and did a factory reset. All seemed well...for 10 minutes.
Just regular use of the phone for a couple of hours (Pandora, light browsing) during my commute this morning knocked my battery level down from 80% to 15%. And it'd gone from 100 down to 80 previously from auto-reinstalling the apps after being wiped. It's definitely not a battery issue, because my seidio 2800mah one drains as abnormally fast.
So I called Asurion today, knowing how widespread this issue was on the Droid 1, to see what they could do for me. They advised me that they still had Droid refurbs in stock, but to contact Verizon for an in-warranty replacement since the software "broke" it. No sweat. Which leads me to the reason for my posting. The kind service rep informed me that I could get another Droid 1, however, she stated that due to all the problems people have been reporting to them with this froyo issue, they are now advising customers not to perform the OTA updates to 2.2 on refurb units until the situation can be remedied. I was told this upon my saying that I really, much as I love the phone, didn't want another Droid 1 if the same thing was going to happen again. It was implied that this is why refurbs don't come with 2.2 pre-installed as well. Despite all the improvements froyo makes to the system and my investment in my seidio battery, the phone's useless to me if it can't get through a half day of usage anymore after an OS improvement. Since my new-every-two isn't until July 2011 and my early upgrade not until this coming November, I turned down their request for another refurb Droid 1 for now. The best I can hope for, at this point, is for FRG22D to be rooted soon then I can throw on a few custom froyo builds until I find one that doesn't reproduce the issue. I somehow have my doubts another major OTA or patch will arrive to fix this.
I already well know that not every Verizon rep is privy to a ton of info for sure, and they aren't all knowledgeable, but I found it really interesting to to hear that some have been advising against the froyo OTA while they investigate the problem... :blackdroid:
I'm on my third Droid 1 now (headphone jack issues, etc), this latest one only being in my possession for a few weeks now. It came with 2.1 pre-installed (which it ran perfectly fine with), and I have since updated it to froyo, first to FRG01B a while ago and then to FRG22D last night. As many have reported themselves, my Droid immediately suffered from a severe deterioration in battery life and it began to heat up under normal use. I'd already done the usual troubleshooting: ensured no froyo-unfriendly apps were running (patched Facebook app, too), unistalled Advanced Task Killer (which wasn't set to auto-kill apps anyhow), confirmed nothing was syncing at an abnormally high rate, etc. No bluetooth, no gps, no wifi were enabled, and my phone had great signal, so it wasn't draining itself switching to 1x mode or trying to find service. Plus my screen was on auto-brightness. Nor was I rooted or running a custom rom. As a last ditch effort, I wiped the phone's partition and did a factory reset. All seemed well...for 10 minutes.
Just regular use of the phone for a couple of hours (Pandora, light browsing) during my commute this morning knocked my battery level down from 80% to 15%. And it'd gone from 100 down to 80 previously from auto-reinstalling the apps after being wiped. It's definitely not a battery issue, because my seidio 2800mah one drains as abnormally fast.
So I called Asurion today, knowing how widespread this issue was on the Droid 1, to see what they could do for me. They advised me that they still had Droid refurbs in stock, but to contact Verizon for an in-warranty replacement since the software "broke" it. No sweat. Which leads me to the reason for my posting. The kind service rep informed me that I could get another Droid 1, however, she stated that due to all the problems people have been reporting to them with this froyo issue, they are now advising customers not to perform the OTA updates to 2.2 on refurb units until the situation can be remedied. I was told this upon my saying that I really, much as I love the phone, didn't want another Droid 1 if the same thing was going to happen again. It was implied that this is why refurbs don't come with 2.2 pre-installed as well. Despite all the improvements froyo makes to the system and my investment in my seidio battery, the phone's useless to me if it can't get through a half day of usage anymore after an OS improvement. Since my new-every-two isn't until July 2011 and my early upgrade not until this coming November, I turned down their request for another refurb Droid 1 for now. The best I can hope for, at this point, is for FRG22D to be rooted soon then I can throw on a few custom froyo builds until I find one that doesn't reproduce the issue. I somehow have my doubts another major OTA or patch will arrive to fix this.
I already well know that not every Verizon rep is privy to a ton of info for sure, and they aren't all knowledgeable, but I found it really interesting to to hear that some have been advising against the froyo OTA while they investigate the problem... :blackdroid: