If you are (or soon will be) a proud owner of a Verizon version of the Nexus 6, but hate the VZW logo on the back, it turns out you don't have to fret too much. According to reports, the logo rubs off pretty easily. From what was shared, you just need a fingernail (or a paper-clip to make it faster) and a little rubbing alcohol and you can get it off without a scratch to the device.

We have pictures to show off the end result. The first one above shows that the Verizon logo on the Nexus 6 was already wearing off easily just from general use, but the second one is proof of a completely clean manual removal. Sound off if you decide to try this out and let us know how it went for you (post pictures too).
Here's our dedicated section for the Nexus 6: Nexus 6 Android Forum at DroidForums.net
Source: Reddit