OK... I realize what we have is a headphones jack, to send sound OUT from the phone. What I want to know is if there is a way to send sound INTO the phone, and have the external speaker of the phone be the speaker. In case that wasn't clear enough...I want an input jack that'll pass-through the sound to the Droid phone's speaker...essentially making the phone an external speaker.
The reason I ask is, my wife and I have a baby heart monitor, that has headphones jacks on it; I want the sound to play over a speaker, but I literally don't have any speakers sitting around! And I'm cheap, so I don't want to take the "easy" route and just buy a set of cheap ones. It'd be nice for both of us to hear the baby sounds instead of sharing headphones back and forth...
Plus, I'm just really curious if there is anything out there that can make the phone capable of this, for future reference.
The reason I ask is, my wife and I have a baby heart monitor, that has headphones jacks on it; I want the sound to play over a speaker, but I literally don't have any speakers sitting around! And I'm cheap, so I don't want to take the "easy" route and just buy a set of cheap ones. It'd be nice for both of us to hear the baby sounds instead of sharing headphones back and forth...
Plus, I'm just really curious if there is anything out there that can make the phone capable of this, for future reference.