Uploading through browser?


Aug 11, 2010
Reaction score
I looked around and didn't see anything, so hopefully this isn't a repeat.

Even before I rooted, I was unable to upload to websites through the browser. Is there any way around this or is it just a safety feature within the phone? Thanks in advance.

Curiosity killed the cat, but what does it profit a man if he doesnt try something new?
Hm, I don't know how you were able to do it before rooting as all the browsers I've tried have uploading disabled...all EXCEPT opera mini, that is. Try opera mini for uploading.
Oh, sorry, I meant to say that even before rooting I was unable to upload. Opera Mini, huh? I'll have to give that a shot. Thank you.
Oh, I read it wrong. I thought you meant you were able to before. Yeah, check out opera mini. It's also SCREAMING FAST. I actually have every free browser installed...in the hopes that one will update and become the new champ. Currently my favorite is Dolphin HD but a lot of people like xScope. And the paid version of xScope is supposed to be very good.

Opera mini's also cool because it has it's own rendering engine...NOT webkit, like all the other browsers. This means that if something doesn't work in another browser, there's a good chance that it'll work in opera. It's helped me numerous times...for example when trying to download an MP3, if there's a browser redirect, opera mini seems to be the only browser that's smart enough to handle it.