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Upgrade Time !! What to pick ?


I am eligible to upgrade, and will be replacing a D2G. I picked that phone because I thought I would use the physical keyboard due to my fat fingers, but find I never use it. I rooted so I could use the wireless tether, but seldom used it or wired tether either for that matter.

I also am lucky to have unlimited data, so the new 4G phone will make that sorta fun, and I may find I use wired tether at a summer house in the mountains where that would be the only choice for broadband for a laptop/tablet. Someday if wireless tether is again an option I may do more of that, but who knows ?

What is the most for the money at the Verizon store today ?

Thanks for all opinions.

There are several good phones out & a few on the horizon... It is really personal preference on how the phone feels and looks to you... If you get a chance to mess around with several if them before you decide... Definitely do so...

The Bionic, Razr, or Gnex are all good choices.

~it's not just a phone~
Recommend you go to the store and check'em all out. Get the hands on time, our opinions can only sway you so much

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I am eligible to upgrade, and will be replacing a D2G. I picked that phone because I thought I would use the physical keyboard due to my fat fingers, but find I never use it. I rooted so I could use the wireless tether, but seldom used it or wired tether either for that matter.

I also am lucky to have unlimited data, so the new 4G phone will make that sorta fun, and I may find I use wired tether at a summer house in the mountains where that would be the only choice for broadband for a laptop/tablet. Someday if wireless tether is again an option I may do more of that, but who knows ?

What is the most for the money at the Verizon store today ?
I would not get anything but top tier when upgrading. Right now that is the Rezound, Galaxy Nexus, and Razr Maxx.

I detail the pros and cons here in this thread, but the short answer: HTC Rezound. I would pass on the droid 4 and Bionic (they arent awful, but the other phones are better). The Galaxy Nexus is the easiest to root, and HTC now allows you to unlock their phones as well.
it's time for you to go into a verizon store and play. i personally have the bionic and i love it. as smalltowngirl said above the bionic, razr and gnex are all great devices, and she should know because she has all of them. but don't sell yourself short. right now verizon has an amazing top tier device lineup. go look at all of them.
motorola bionic, razr, razr max will release tomorrow, and d4 will be out next month.
samsung galaxy nexus
htc resound
lg spectrum (just released last week)

these are all 4g dual core phones and are all worthy of an upgrade. just go play and see which one fits you best. good luck.
For meee its the Gnex, Bionic, Razor, and I'm really loving my X2. Depends on what you want to do with it. But all great phones. For me its the Gnex because of its huge screen and 1.2 dual core and an amazing set of sensors. But I don't have 4g service and love the hdmi out on my x2, don't need a front camera and rooted with one click and my memory capacity is higher than any iphone and more than I will ever need. I just wish it had a full gig of ram but it seems to run plenty fast overclocked at about 2500 for me.

X2 superclocked beast
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Rezound for sure after having the bionic. I also heard a lot of people got rid of their nexus' for a rezound and are happier.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
Haven't really checked out the rezound yet but have always been an HTC fan. The sence ui is my favorite.

X2 superclocked beast
Haven't really checked out the rezound yet but have always been an HTC fan. The sence ui is my favorite.

X2 superclocked beast

Wow...nice phone. The Rezound is pretty sweet on the specs side. Easy to root and mod?

X2 superclocked beast
Ok..other than the silly personal preference responses, the best phones out by fact and versatility r the bionic and rezound. That's all. U should choose between them two.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
The Rezound is the best phone for the buck even when it was $299. The good news is, it's now only $199 which makes it a steal considering it comes with $100 earbuds. I had the Nexus and it couldn't keep a signal to save it's life. I switched to the Rezound and it's awesome! I highly recommend it.
Haven't really checked out the rezound yet but have always been an HTC fan. The sence ui is my favorite.
I am not a fan of Sense (or any custom UI) personally....I got it for the specs alone. And it hasnt disappointed. Awesome camera, and (IMO) the best display you can get right now on any phone. 4G reception is great and it has the best GPS I have ever seen on a phone. HTC does allow you to unlock the bootloader "legitimately". I am unlocked and rooted.

This is my first HTC phone. My brother in law has a Thunderbolt, which I poo-pooed when they first came out...after using it, I have to say I may have spoke too soon. It is fast and fluid and has a nice display. Overall I am liking HTC. I dont like any Vendor UIs, but if I have to have one, Sense is better than the others IMO.

Ok..other than the silly personal preference responses, the best phones out by fact and versatility r the bionic and rezound. That's all. U should choose between them two.
The Rezound has better specs in every way. I cant think of anything the Bionic does better.

All of the Dual Core phones released so far are pretty good. The best 3 right now are the Razr Maxx, Galaxy nexus, and Rezound...The Galaxy S2 might need to be included in that group too. The LG Spectrum does look pretty good (nice display), and the Bionic doesnt suck either.

The Rezound is the best phone for the buck even when it was $299. The good news is, it's now only $199 which makes it a steal considering it comes with $100 earbuds. I had the Nexus and it couldn't keep a signal to save it's life. I switched to the Rezound and it's awesome! I highly recommend it.
It is actually $160 now on Amazon if you are upgrading an individual account. It is only $80(!) if you are starting a new individual account.

Also...those iBeats Headphones are a big deal IMO. Even if you dont want them yourself, you can eBay them for $80 to $100.
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My upgrades available in a couple of months. I have the LG spectrum in sights. Best screen of the bunch. Similar internals as the Rezound.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
The Rezound is the best phone for the buck even when it was $299. The good news is, it's now only $199 which makes it a steal considering it comes with $100 earbuds. I had the Nexus and it couldn't keep a signal to save it's life. I switched to the Rezound and it's awesome! I highly recommend it.

I like the Rezound but my experience with the Tbolt has turned me off from HTC for a while. I have exceptional battery life on my Nexus.
As for the earbuds I was just recently looking to get some and about 70% of the reviews stated that "the earbuds sound great but they are crap and stopped working in somany weeks with light use." I understand that most reviews are negative because most people that enjoy their product tent take the time to write a positive reviews. But even when some people stated that they babies the headphones they still broke it failed for unknown reasons.

To the OP, my vote is for the Nexus then RAZRMaxx and finally the Rezound. But to best decide for your self you have to stop buy a local VZW store and play with the demo devices.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
My upgrades available in a couple of months. I have the LG spectrum in sights. Best screen of the bunch. Similar internals as the Rezound.
That display does look cool. The main problem I had with it is, well, it is LG. They dont have the best reputation. I have not seen what the Camera can do either.

As for the earbuds I was just recently looking to get some and about 70% of the reviews stated that "the earbuds sound great but they are crap and stopped working in somany weeks with light use." I understand that most reviews are negative because most people that enjoy their product tent take the time to write a positive reviews. But even when some people stated that they babies the headphones they still broke it failed for unknown reasons.
The thing is, people are still buying them. So if nothing else, you can sell them on eBay and defray the cost of the phone that way. The cheapest I have seen them going for so far is $70.

I have been using mine heavily since I bought the phone (like every day)...no problems so far.