[Updated x2] Download: Google Play Store (Formerly Android Market) v3.5.15 APK With A


The GRD Dev Team
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Jun 5, 2010
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[h=3][Updated x2] Download: Google Play Store (Formerly Android Market) v3.5.15 APK With A New Tabbed My Apps Interface, New Review Features, And More[/h]

A new Android Market Google Play Store v3.5.15 (an update to v3.4.7) is very slowly trickling through to Android users everywhere, and we managed to snag an APK you can download and install right now (thanks, Chad Winner!). After playing with it for a few minutes, the most obvious change is most definitely in the My Applications UI, although I did find a few more (thanks to everyone who helped out).
[h=2]What's New[/h]
  1. You now have the Installed and All tabs you can swipe between. The former one is what we used to have before - it lists all apps installed on your device. The latter lists all apps you've ever installed in case you want to download them again or travel down the memory lane. This is quite handy, and I've seen this list before in the Play Store on the web, so it's great to get it here in the mobile app.
  2. The All tab contains a handy dropdown with all your accounts (if you added more than one) and lets you switch between them very easily (as opposed to clicking Menu, etc).
  3. The list of apps you have purchased but uninstalled or haven't installed yet has moved to the All tab... which means it's now mixed in with the free apps you no longer have on the device. I'm not sure how I feel about that - on one hand, I like that it's gone from the first list, but ideally there should be a way to filter paid apps from free in the All list. Maybe someday...
  4. A few of the stock apps that apparently never got linked to the Play Store before got identified and picked up this time, and updates to such orphans were waiting for me when I fired the Store up. I've complained about this very bug in my last rant, and it looks like someone listened.
  5. Just like in the web Play Store:
    - reviews now show the device used by the reviewer
    - reviews can now be sorted by Most Helpful first or Newest first
    - you can now filter reviews to show ones for the latest version of the app as well as made by only the device you are using
We'll keep digging, but these changes are already pretty good to warrant downloading this update. Don't fret - it's completely legitimate, otherwise the signature verification process that's built into Android for security wouldn't have allowed me to install it over the existing Play Store.
[h=2]Download[/h]Download away (change the extension to .apk if your browser downloads it as something else for some reason, like a .zip or .bin).

Source : Android Police
Any way to make the "Newest First" the default option?

Sent from my unrooted DroidX using Tapatalk
I just downloaded this, the first mirror had already exceeded bandwitdth. It came through the second mirror as a .zip haven't installed it yet.

edit: changed the file extension, copied it to the phone, try installing and get an error of "there is a problem parsing the package" I'm still on my old droid 2, rooted, running a liberty rom if that might be a problem.
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