Updated: Apparently, there is an even newer leaked build of ICS for the Droid Bionic that was found just yesterday. Here's a link to the thread, from right here in the forums: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/motorola-droid-bionic/214870-new-bionic-ics-update-6-7-230-a.html!
Not too long ago we had a leak of Ice Cream Sandwich for the Droid Bionic. Obviously it didn't turn out to be a final build because we still don't have a rollout yet, but that may change soon. Motorola's schedule indicated they plan to release it in Q3 at some point, which means any time now. Also, a new version just leaked that could point towards an impending launch. This newest version is ICS firmware build, .229. If you are curious to give it a try, here's a quote below with some more details and links. Also, remember to follow the instructions perfectly, so as not to brick your device.
If you want to try the latest leaked firmware for Droid Bionic, you’ll have to FXZ back to 902 and then install the previous 905 update. Only then will you be able to flash the .229 firmware. If this sounds alien to you, it’s best to consult with the folks at Droid Hive. They’ve created a detailed tutorial on how to make that jump, making available the files users will have to download as well.
According to those who have braved the leak, their Droid Bionic seems to be running smoother compared to the previous builds. There are also reports of better battery life but the overall changes aren’t too prominent, but rather subtle.
Sound off in the thread if you give this a go and tell us what you think of it.
Even though we are already to .230, we wanted to shout out a thanks to merickk01, for finding and posting the .229 leak!
Source: BionicForums.net via AndroidAuthority