Turn off Notifications for a Specified Time Period


New Member
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
So this might be asking a bit much...

I got to bed around 11:00PM and usually wake up around 7:00AM. It really annoys me when my phone goes off at 3:00AM because Amazon.com sent me an e-mail, so my Droid notifies me that I have a new e-mail. Or when my phone starts blaring because there is an update for an application.

I don't want to put my phone on silent because I do want to know if someone calls me, and I even want to know if someone texts me. (people know not to text me at night unless they need me)

So is there a way to turn off the notifications FOR E-MAIL only during a specified time period?

Thanks for any help!!!
There is a app called VOLUME / MODE SCHEDULER ($2.99) in the market that allows you to toggle your notifications on a schedule. There are probably others as well, this was just the first one I saw.