Absolutely another great recommendation. You can buy the phone at the Verizon Phone Center Store, in which case you take an old smartphone, must be a data phone, must power up and must come with the battery and show no signs of water or screen damage. They will issue a $100 voucher that can be used to buy accessories, pay your cellphone bill or reduce your phone cost.Good looking out insane. For anyone reading this about to get a Turbo, get the 64 GB at that price HANDS DOWN! Got mine about 3 weeks ago, so no worry free guarantee for me. I did get $100 for trading in an old smartphone. I wonder if this is still going, which would be pure sweetness with this new price. Also, I traded in an old Samsung Omnia and got the $100, which is many phones ago (OG Droid and Bionic since then). Good luck.
So happy for you. I really wanted red as well so I'm a bit envious of you! However the lure of double the memory for only $50 more (now just a mere $25 more), was too hard to pass on.For what it's worth, they asked me if I wanted red or ballistic, I went with red as I originally wanted, but it sounded like they didn't have black, maybe not in stock.
GL, I should be getting mine Wed.
Makes complete sense given your situation.[emoji3]I primarily stream xbox music and pandora. I don't need all that space, although with the 21mp pics...
Plus, I am reading a bunch about the nylon fraying, etc. Nice, but I work with dogs and I can see hairs weaving into the fibers over time.
OMG, that's nuts! Great information and nearly impossible to pass up, except if you have unlimited and no desire to give it up or add a new line.Looks like Best Buy has all colors of the 32GB version on sale today for a whopping PENNY!
Well, although I feel your pain, to compare the one dollar upgrade price with a new activation to the $650 edge price is not really a fair comparison since the edge price doesn't require a new contract for 2 years of data and phone service. If you're month to month like I was, and if you have unlimited data like I do, edge was one of only a very few options that didn't cause you to lose your unlimited data plan and sign up for another two year plan, as long as you had another phone that wasn't on unlimited data that you could use the edge program to take advantage of. In the case of upgrades that are available, you could have upgraded instead of going edge if you had and a little upgrade on a line it doesn't have unlimited and you would have gotten the subsidized price at that time. It just so happens fortunately for others and unfortunately for you that the deepest subsidies are just now showing up.I paid like $650 for 64 ballistic on edge plan, now you can get it for $1.00 at best buy.
@RudyN. Could you explain in finer detail for the members how you arrived at that math? If you did purchase the turbo as an upgrade, you would obviously have a new activation so that might make sentence using the $200 coupon that you had to get the phone at a deeply discounted price, but that still doesn't come back to the numbers that I'm seeing in front of me. I'm really curious to know how that all played out from purchase of the phone, price for the purchase, contract or no contract, how did you get the $200 gift card, price of the accessories, and then walking out the door for a dollar and change.I went to my local Verizon store and bought a Turbo. I traded in my old phone and used the $200.00 gift card from when I bought my wife's I phone 6+, bought an Otter Defender and cradle charger for $1.47 out the door. Not to bad a deal I think.