Transferring from Blackberry


New Member
Jul 1, 2011
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Hey guys, practically my mom is in the worst case scenario. So my mom got a Droid Charge and uses it for business. My problem she got it without letting me know. Now her BB is inactivated and her Charge doesn't have the calendar. Also her previous e-mails aren't synced with the Charge. If it helps we backed up her BB to Blackberry Desktop.
BB Desktop backups really don't help. Use DM to sync data with the PC or to export via the ASCII importer/exporter to a CSV file. Then import the data wherever it needs to be. Is she switching to a Google account?

Email is retrieved directly from the server. There's probably no good way to transfer old email from the BB to the Android. What type of email account? If it supports sync then there's no need to transfer the old email. If it's a POP account, she's pretty much out of luck.
I don't know much about BB's but would it help to just reactivate the BB, do whatever prep work is needed to offload the data to the best place, then reactivate the android phone again?