Touchpad to sensitive while talking on the phone


New Member
Nov 9, 2009
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Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem or if anyone knows how to fix it.. I can be talking on the phone and all of the sudden I get from my face brushing the phone it starts to dial a number which makes the caller on the other end not hear me anymore and disconnects. Is anyone else having this problem or is there a way to fix it so that when I am on the phone numbers are dialed?? I have done this so many times and I am ready to get rid of my phone.. Can anyone help????
Are you using a screen protector that is covering the proximity sensor? If so you may want to trim it so that it stops just above the motorola logo. I had that issue too. Also I've read that long hair can cause issues with the screen not turning off while in a call.
yea the sensor should turn the screen off when its covered so putting it to your ear would do the trick.
Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem or if anyone knows how to fix it.. I can be talking on the phone and all of the sudden I get from my face brushing the phone it starts to dial a number which makes the caller on the other end not hear me anymore and disconnects. Is anyone else having this problem or is there a way to fix it so that when I am on the phone numbers are dialed?? I have done this so many times and I am ready to get rid of my phone.. Can anyone help????

Do this test ... Call yourself. Do not turn on Speakerphone.

After the call connects, place your thumb over the upper left corner of the phone. Just to the left of the Motorola text. The screen should blank. When you remove your thumb, the screen should return.

Now try the same thing, but don't touch the phone. Just move your palm over that same area about an inch away. It should still blank out.

Some of the droids have bad prox sensors, and will not blank out, or in other cases, will stay blank if you are in a bright light that may be giving out a little heat.

To properly talk on a droid you have to hold it right up to your face. This does two things:

1. The screen should blank out.
2. The mic is the proper distance fron your mouth.

If you try to hold it away slightly so as not to smudge the screen, the prox sensor may not kick in and blank the screen, and you will sound even more muffled than usual.

Hope this helps a litte.

If the sensor is not acting properly, then you need to replace the phone.

I had this exact problem. Replaced it ... works perfect now.
