Touchdown settings to K9


Feb 8, 2011
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Like many, I am having trouble syncing my email with my work exchange server. The issue I'm having is that Touchdown was able to autoconfigure all the settings but I can't get them right in K9 or the stock exchange client. I don't really want to pay $20 for the full version of touchdown. Does anyone have any tips for changing the settings from TD to K9?

Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1 using Tapatalk.
It's difficult to assist without the specifics and you definitely don't want to just post the information online. Can you mask the format of the settings that you used? E.g.:

Server: http://server.domain.tld or server.domain.tld
User: username or [email protected]
Domain: domain
This is difficult to diagnose. I have no problem syncing my emails from my corp Exchange with the evaluation copy of Touchdown. I have been using this for a couple of weeks as I forgot to run the Touchdown key.

One thing to check. The config worked fine for me except for one item for which it did not identify an error. The name of the email server was not the same as the email address company name. I had to correct the exchange server name in touchdown.
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